A kitchen fire is an unexpected occurrence that can be devastating to a restaurant. The damage from a fire can effect all aspects of the business and is tough to recover from. After the smoke clears many restaurant owners have little idea what to do and wind up closing shop for a considerable amount of time or even for good.
It is, however, not impossible to reopen an improved space after a fire, but time is imperative. Getting back on your feet as quickly as possible is the best way to ensure minimal damage to your restaurants identity. Loyal customers will not have chosen another favorite location, your staff will not have found new work and you can continue doing business just as you had in the past.
One of the toughest parts of rebuilding after a fire is making sure your establishment is up to code. All the rules and regulations can be cumbersome to keep up with. CS Ventilation is here to help with getting your kitchen exhaust system up to par. We have years of experience installing kitchen hoods and ventilation in all types of restaurants. Are technicians are aware of the regulations that are in place and can even help make suggestions about what aspects of your restoration still need some attention.
By having work done by CS Ventilation you are getting a high quality ventilation system that will make your kitchen a safer place. Our restaurant hoods will suck up any fumes coming off of your cooking equipment into the ventilation and bring them outside. The fumes will be replaced by fresh air from outdoors, leaving your restaurant clean and free from any obnoxious odors.
After getting a state-of-the-art ventilation system in place you are well on your way to being able to reopen your restaurant. To prevent another fire from occurring we recommend scheduling cleanings of your ventilation on a regular basis. Regular cleaning will keep your exhaust system free from grease buildup and greatly reduce the risk of another kitchen fire.